Transform Your Life with Access Bars

One of the most common questions I get asked is, What is Access Bars? And every time I try to explain it, I can’t help but smile. It’s something truly special, and I’d love to share what I’ve learned.

Access Bars is a gentle, hands-on energy healing technique introduced by Gary Douglas in the early 1990s. It involves lightly touching 32 points on the head, known as Bars, which are connected to different aspects of life—things like thoughts, emotions, creativity, and healing. During a session, these points are activated to help release built-up stress, limiting beliefs, and mental clutter.

What is Access Bars?

Access Bars is a powerful yet gentle energy healing modality that uses a technique of lightly touching 32 specific points on the head, referred to as "Bars." These points correlate to various aspects of life, such as creativity, communication, relationships, control, money, joy, and more. By activating these points, Access Bars aims to release the electromagnetic charge that stores the thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and decisions that limit you in these areas of life.

How Does Access Bars Work?

During an Access Bars session, a practitioner will lightly touch these 32 points on your head, activating the flow of energy to each corresponding area of your life. These points are believed to act as conduits for releasing the mental, emotional, and energetic blocks that you may have accumulated over your lifetime.

As these blocks are cleared, it’s like hitting a "reset" button on your energy field, allowing you to experience a profound sense of relaxation, peace, and mental clarity. The process is non-invasive and gentle, and the practitioner never forces or manipulates the energy—rather, they act as a conduit to help facilitate the release of stuck energy in your body.

What to Expect During an Access Bars Session?

A typical Access Bars session lasts between 60 to 90 minutes, and you’ll be comfortably lying down, fully clothed, on a treatment table. The practitioner will touch the 32 points on your head in a very light, non-pressured manner. Many people report a deeply relaxing experience—so relaxing, in fact, that some people even fall asleep during the session.

The feeling of the session can vary from person to person, but it is often described as gentle, calming, and soothing. Some people feel a subtle tingling or warmth, while others experience a sense of emotional release. The overall experience tends to be incredibly relaxing, helping to quiet the mind and ease stress.

What Are the Benefits of Access Bars?

One of the most significant benefits of Access Bars is the sense of deep relaxation and calm it brings to the body and mind. Here’s a closer look at how it can benefit you:

  • Stress Reduction and Anxiety Relief: Access Bars is particularly effective in reducing stress and anxiety by clearing negative, limiting beliefs and trapped emotions. People report feeling much more at ease after a session.

  • Improved Sleep: Many individuals find that they experience deeper, more restful sleep after a session. This is due to the deep state of relaxation that Access Bars induces.

  • Mental Clarity and Focus: As the energy blocks are released, many clients report feeling clearer, more focused, and better able to make decisions. It’s as if the mental clutter is cleared away.

  • Emotional Healing: Access Bars can support emotional healing by helping to release suppressed emotions or trauma. Many people feel lighter and more at peace after their session, with a renewed sense of joy.

  • Pain Relief and Physical Healing: While Access Bars is not a direct treatment for physical ailments, many clients report a reduction in physical pain and a greater sense of well-being after receiving a session.

  • Greater Sense of Possibility: Access Bars helps to clear the energetic patterns that may limit your potential. By releasing mental and emotional barriers, you may feel more empowered to pursue your goals and dreams.

What Does It Feel Like?

Everyone experiences Access Bars differently, but the majority of people report an overwhelming sense of relaxation and calm. Some people feel like they’ve just had a nap in a peaceful, serene environment, while others experience a profound emotional release. It’s not uncommon for people to feel deeply nurtured, at ease, and sometimes even have vivid memories or imagery come up during a session.

Some common physical sensations include:

  • Tingling or buzzing in the body
  • Warmth in certain areas
  • A feeling of lightness or floating
  • A deep sense of calm and relaxation

Is Access Bars Safe for Everyone?

Yes, Access Bars is safe for almost everyone. It is a gentle, non-invasive treatment suitable for people of all ages, including children, the elderly, and pregnant women. It’s a gentle, non-judgmental modality that supports the body’s natural healing processes, making it an excellent complement to other forms of treatment, including traditional medicine and therapy.

Can Access Bars Be Done Remotely?

Yes! Access Bars can also be done remotely, which means that you can receive the healing energy without being physically present with the practitioner. Energy is not bound by time or space, so remote sessions can be just as effective as in-person sessions.

How Can I Book an Access Bars Session?

If you’re curious about Access Bars and want to experience it for yourself, the best way is to book a session with a certified practitioner. It’s a simple process, and you can often book an appointment either in person or remotely, depending on what’s most convenient for you.

Would you like to explore the possibilities of Access Bars in your life? Take the first step and reach out today to schedule your session!

Who can benefit from Access Bars?

Anyone! Access Bars is suitable for all ages and has been used by individuals looking for relief from stress, anxiety, sleep issues, emotional blocks, and more. It’s also used by business owners, athletes, students, and parents to enhance focus, creativity, and overall well-being.

Access Bars is now practiced in over 170 countries and has helped thousands of people experience:

✔ Better sleep

✔ Reduced stress and anxiety

✔ Increased clarity and focus

✔ Emotional release

✔ A greater sense of ease and well-being

What does a Session feel Like?

Everyone experiences Access Bars differently. Most people feel deep relaxation, similar to meditation. Some may experience tingling, warmth, or light sensations, while others see images, colors, or even fall asleep. Regardless of what happens, clients often leave feeling lighter and clearer.

How long does a session last?

A typical Access Bars session lasts between 60 to 90 minutes, but shorter sessions can also be effective.

How many sessions do I need?

It varies from person to person. Some people experience a significant shift after just one session, while others choose to have regular sessions to maintain balance and continue personal growth. There’s no right or wrong—just what feels best for you. 

Is it like Reiki or meditation?

While Access Bars shares some similarities with Reiki and meditation, it’s a unique practice. Reiki works with energy healing through the body, while meditation focuses on mindfulness. Access Bars specifically targets thought patterns and limiting beliefs, helping to release stored mental and emotional energy.

Book Access Bars Session